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Brainstorm Blog #2


For this project, I'm thinking of exploring the idea of feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated. These last few weeks I've had situations where I've felt calm. Then suddenly there are all these people around me talking, asking me questions, and yelling (this typically happens at parties) and I become so overstimulated that I have to leave. I've had friends who have come to check in on me and ask me what happened, but I've struggled to explain to them precisely what I'm going through. Through this piece, I want to be able to communicate this feeling through sounds that evoke a calm feeling, as well as sounds that create stress when layered together.

I'm going to use nature sounds at the beginning to show a calm state with hopefully birds chirping, leaves rustling and water flowing. Then I want to transfer the scene into one with more chaos. I'm thinking of using people talking and music playing to mimic the noises that I've heard when I've typically become overwhelmed. Next, I want to layer lots of sounds on top of each other and crescendo them until a tipping point where suddenly all the music/sounds cut out. I then want to incorporate a heartbeat or some similar sounds after the break to represent what I hear when I remove myself from one of these situations. I would also like to experiment with oscillating the piece between one speaker and another but I'm not sure if that will be possible in Adobe Audition.

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