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Artist Statement #4


To begin this project, I took a meticulous approach to planning by first creating a detailed map that allowed me to visualize the flow of the entire website. By doing this, I was able to map out each path, ensuring a cohesive experience for the user. This approach made the process of creating new pages and content more streamlined and efficient. I then focused on the overall aesthetic of the website, opting for a dark, moody feel to set the tone for the adventure. I created an all-black background to serve as the foundation for each page, providing a dramatic backdrop for the visuals and text that would come next.

However, creating a seamless transition between the black backgrounds and the animated gifs proved to be challenging. I had to pay close attention to matching the blacks to ensure a consistent, high-quality look. Additionally, I spent a considerable amount of time tweaking the gifs to blend seamlessly with the background, avoiding any jarring transitions that would take away from the overall user experience. Despite these challenges, I was able to successfully integrate the gifs into the website, creating a visually stunning and engaging experience for the user. Overall, this approach allowed me to create a unique and immersive web-venture that fully captures the mysterious and elusive nature of the theme.

The storyline transports the character into absolute darkness. The viewer must then choose to look for light or exist in the darkness, but the darkness is the wrong choice for survival and the viewer is then eaten by the monster family. If they choose light, they must search around in the black page and touches one of three things: 1) A Flashlight, 2) A Candle, or 3) Accidentally Touching The Creature. The creature leads to death, while the flashlight and the candle lead to trade: your light for your freedom. This symbolizes the creature's desire to have only what the outside world can bring him (the light). If you say no, you must join the other creatures who haunt the abyss but if you say yes you achieve your freedom, for now...



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